Has Laura Owens Released a Verified Sonogram Yet?


Why does this matter?

  1. She claims she was pregnant with boy and girl twins and to date, after multiple court cases and rounds of discovery, has not provided independently verifiable evidence of the twins' genders. An HCG test, credibility notwithstanding, doesn't demonstrate genders. Even Dr. Medchill's valiant effort to find the 99th percentile most Laura-favorable explanation in the hodgepodge of evidence he was provided didn't try to claim it was a boy and a girl. This is one of the central points of the case and there is no submitted evidence to support it.
  2. The only sonogram out there showing twins was doctored and has no clear provenance. Laura admitted in her deposition that she altered the provenance to make it appear to come from SMIL when it was in fact from an anonymous appointment at a Planned Parenthood in Mission Viejo. After that was shown to be impossible, Laura admitted on the stand on June 10th that the original sonogram came from a pseudonymous appointment (Clayton's expert witness, a former PP director, testified that PP policy requires government ID) in Los Angeles county. She disclosed neither the pseudonym used nor the location of the Planned Parenthood during discovery. Even if the doctored sonogram could be validated, it does not show the genders of the twins.
  3. Owens has the strongest interest in proving her pregnancy both to the court and to the public, yet whenever the topic of the sonogram comes up, she gives misleading information about it or cites vague privacy or safety concerns about releasing it. As Owens herself points out repeatedly, her information is already public. What could possibly be so private in that sonogram that she'd submit a screenshot of a doctor's appointment that she cancelled and never rescheduled as evidence of pregnancy, rather than the incontrovertible evidence that would have silenced her critics last year? Any actual high-risk pregnancy with twins would have had several sonograms over the same period, yet Owens has failed to produce any.
  4. By analogy, imagine you think I stole your Cheetos. I argue with you for hours explaining all the reasons I didn't steal your Cheetos and how your Cheetos had it coming, but when you ask to see if my fingers are orange, I refuse to show you my hands. I'm concerned about revealing my fingerprints to you, you see? It's a privacy thing. Instead of doing the single easiest thing to exonerate myself if I were innocent, I spend hours tying myself into more knots arguing that it's preposterous to even think I would eat your Cheetos. Would you find that convincing?
